Deploying Springboot project to Podman container


• Get a VM with Podman

• Login to VM

• Run podman login /

○ Enter BankID and Pwd

○ Login Succeeded

• To pull an image use podman pull reponame/imagename

• Reponame  =

• Podman pull (this works)

• Without sudo it fails with error -  processing tar file(potentially insufficient UIDs or GIDs available in user namespace

•  sudo podman pull - this work fine and image is now available locally

• To create a container from local image

○ Sudo podman create --name "somename" imageid

○ Creates a pod but doesn’t run

• To start a local container --> sudo podman start "container name"

•  sudo podman run -d --name nginx-app -p 8080:80 -d

curl localhost:8080 --> will help confirm if nginx is running

• Podman ps -a --> details of containers running

CONTAINER ID  IMAGE                                                  COMMAND               CREATED        STATUS            PORTS                 NAMES

83ac8ec2c82b  nginx -g daemon o...  3 minutes ago  Up 3 minutes ago>80/tcp  nginx-app

$ podman stop nginx-app

$ podman start nginx-app

To remove a stopped containers - podman rm nginx-app(container name)

Distroless" images contain only your application and its runtime dependencies. They do not contain package managers, shells or any other programs you would expect to find in a standard Linux distribution.

Podman Image from dockerfile

Podman image building with Dockerfile can be done by executing podman build . Podman build takes two arguments: -t name[:tag] directory.
Unless otherwise specfied, latest tag will be added to the images. 

Below is the sample command
podman build -t myimage .

    Dockerfile sample

FROM AS build-env
USER root # required for executing chmod
COPY springbootdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /app
RUN chmod -R 755 /app # without this jar command cannot access the file
ENV JAVA_HOME /home/tdebuild/goldenversions/redhatopenjdk-17 # without this container is unable to find java on path
USER 10001 # changing back to normal user - not sure if this is required
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","springbootdemo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar"]

• From the docker file it can be seen that the docker file starts by defining a base image by using keyword "FROM". In our case, we will be using ubi image

• We are using MAINTAINER keyword to specific the details of the maintainer and their email address

• ADD keyword is used to add a fie from local machine/project directory (current directory) to the a path in the image. In our case we are placing a repo file "sample_file.repo" to /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory of the image

• RUN command can be used to run other bash commands in the image. In our case we are using yum to install rpms

• ENTRYPOINT defines the default command that will be running on the container.

• CMD keyword is used to add argument to the ENTRYPOINT command, in our case we are not having any arguments so it left commented

To view contents on the docker image
• Sudo podman create --name tempcontainer "image name" --> create a container (not run it) with the image
• Sudo podman export "tempcontainer" | tar t --> unzip the container contents
• sudo podman export tempimage | tar t >> 1.txt

Check logs on Container
sudo podman logs -t --since 0 conatainerid (since 0 means from beginning)
sudo podman logs -t conatainerid (recent logs)
Podman logs --since 10m conatinerid (for last 10 mins)

Podman Compose File,functionality%20is%20missing%20from%20Podman.

Container Networking
When a container starts, it can only attach to a single network, using the --network flag. You can connect a running container to multiple networks using the docker network connect command. When you start a container using the --network flag, you can specify the IP address for the container on that network using the --ip or --ip6 flags.
By default, containers inherit the DNS settings of the host, as defined in the /etc/resolv.conf configuration file. Containers that attach to the default bridge network receive a copy of this file.


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